Ms. Joan is a researcher and the founder of SmartTB, with a focus on machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence, computer vision, digital transformation, and ICT4D in healthcare, education, and agriculture. She is a member of Women in Tech and AI under the OCP Foundation, AI Movement, UNESCO, and the Swedish Institute Network for Future Global Leaders (SI NFGL). Ms. Joan also inspires secondary school girls to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers through exhibitions, workshops, trainings, and projects. She has served as a keynote speaker and panel presenter at the International Girls in ICT Day organised by TCRA under the UNESCO programme. Towards the success of women in STEM, Ms. Joan provided hygiene and sanitation awareness and solutions to the recurring problems facing girls at Mavuno Girls Secondary School in Karagwe district under the International Projects in Tanzania. 

She is an assistant lecturer for the Sokoine University of Agriculture in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences at the Department of Informatics and Information Technology. Ms. Joan was a principal investigator of the SmartTB project at Sokoine University of Agriculture. She was also in charge of the administrative management of the Information Technology Certificate and Diploma programmes in the Department of Informatics and Information Technology. 

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