INF 313: Telecommunications Systems and Network Management 

His courses introduces to students concepts regarding telecommunication system (including network management and systems management), generations of wireless systems & services (5G networks and emerging technologies), next generation mobile communication systems and potential technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoTs), quantum computing in telecommunication systems and many others.

The course also explores technologies and trends in network management, Internet network management framework, standard network management models, protocols that are used in each layer of the OSI reference model, use cases & applications of future 2030 networks, use cases & applications of 6G and beyond networks.

MIKM 613: Knowledge   Mining and Analysis 

This course provides to Masters Students the concepts and applications of AI and data science in knowledge discovery and data mining, the knowledge discovery process, data preparation, techniques and methods for extracting information and knowledge from large amounts of data. 

The course provides introduction to statistical methods and concepts of machine learning techniques including decision tree induction, nearest neighbor categorization, Bayesian learning, neural networks, association rules, and clustering. 

Moreover, the text and web mining for unstructured data as well as data mining for knowledge management applications are provided in the course. In addition, the course equip students with techniques for the extraction of knowledge from natural language documents and for the representation of knowledge as ontologies and semantic webs.